$100.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Sleep 6

6 month Coaching Bundle to include our revolutionary educational video course with monthly check-in‘s for 6 months to keep you accountable and supported on this life changing journey.

  • Assessment and goal setting
  • -Access to videos
  • -Myo Kit
  • -OSA <14
  • -No Frenums
  • -No TMJ
  • - <7yo older
  • -weekly reminders 

What you'll get:

  • Access to videos to learn at your own pace
  • Accountability and advice and real time from your Airway Coach
  • Expert advice to utilize the tools that are changing the upper airway muscle tone and function
  • Access to all Past Summit's 

Improving the way you breathe while you sleep is a multi pronged approach. Having access to the knowledge and the experts is sure to help you catch your breath and improve the way you breathe asleep. The first step is knowledge. The second step is implementation.


Disclaimer: "The Airway Coach course is designed to provide educational information and techniques related to airway health, diet, myofunctional therapy, exercises, and breathing techniques. While the course content is based on extensive research and professional expertise, individual results may vary. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your health regimen. The Airway Coach team is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that may arise from the implementation of the course material."

What People Are Saying:

Airway Coach has helped me recover from mouth breathing and over breathing faster than I ever imagined. I was so overwhelmed when I found out I had an airway disorder I had no idea where to start. The coaches supported me with patience and knowledge. I don’t snore anymore and my tongue stays suctioned to the roof of my mouth when I sleep. I highly recommend Airway Coach to anyone who truly wants to treat the root cause of SDB. It has changed my life and I hope you let them change yours.
